Lily Merklin

Lily Merklin has always loved all sorts of animals: No matter if it was slugs crowling over her hands, deer that she saw in the woods near her parent’s house, her friend’s dogs and horses, the family cat “Peterele”, insects that scared other people or – she was fascinated by all of them already as a small child.

Later in Switzerland, Lily got to know the Tellington Method. She has a strong record in training horses and finished her studies in Psychology at Freiburg University in Germany with a thesis on animals in prisoner rehabilitation programs.

Books of hers have been published by Kosmos and she has been contributing articles to the journal “Pegasus” for many years. She is a trained Cranio and Polarity therapist, has taught courses in physical therapy as well as the Tellington TTouch® Method. In her work she focuses on recognizing the individual strengths of people and animals and helping them to develop it.

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