About the Course

This course is designed to provide you with the learning content that you would gain over the span of 10 to 18 days of a traditional workshop.  The theory and exercises covered are presented in lectures, written content, and videos.

Gaining the actual practical skill is up to the student.  There is no substitute for hands on time and practice with a variety of animals.

Students who go through this course will have a deep theoretical understanding about the Tellington TTouch philosophy, goals, and observational, bodywork, and leash work exercises and techniques.

This course uses a combination of learning mediums to clearly explain and demonstrate the wide range of exercises and techniques that make up the Tellington TTouch Method.

  Lessons utilize lectures, video demonstrations, photographs, and written text to convey the content.  


Course Description and Goal:


 The Tellington TTouch Method is an integrative, wholistic method of working with animals.  It combines a forward-thinking, positive attitude towards behavior with a body of logical, non-confrontational techniques and exercises geared to promoting mental, physical and emotional balance.


Whether you are a new dog guardian or long time dog professional, you will gain an understanding of how and why to implement the Tellington TTouch Method in a variety of situations.


The course is intended to help you: 


  • Understand how to apply Tellington TTouch philosophy and attitude into all interactions with animals. 
  • Prepare you for hands-on work with a variety of animals 
  • Choose and utilize the appropriate TTouch Tools for the individual animal and context



Suggested Resources

Within this course you will receive a huge amount of information. Depending on your learning style, you may find it helpful to have the following books to assist you in understanding and refining the outlined exercises and techniques.


“Getting in TTouch with Your Dog” by Linda Tellington-Jones








“Harnessing Your Dog’s Perfection” by Robyn Hood & Mandy Pretty

“All Wrapped Up: For Pets” by Robyn Hood & Mandy Pretty