What to Expect

 Course Description and Goal:


 The Tellington TTouch Method is an integrative, wholistic method of working with animals.  It combines a forward-thinking, positive attitude towards behavior with a body of logical, non-confrontational techniques and exercises geared to promoting mental, physical and emotional balance.


Whether you are a new dog guardian or long time dog professional, you will gain an understanding of how and why to implement the Tellington TTouch Method in a variety of situations.


The course is intended to help you: 


  • Understand how to apply Tellington TTouch philosophy and attitude into all interactions with animals. 
  • Prepare you for hands-on work with a variety of animals 
  • Cover the theoretical portion of the Tellington TTouch Practitioner Training 
  • Choose and utilize the appropriate TTouch Tools for the individual animal and context


The course will help fulfill the Online Education requirement for Tellington TTouch Practitioner Status.  Non-professional animal enthusiasts interested in learning how to utilize the Tellington TTouch in their everyday animal interactions will find the course useful and informative.



 Media/System Requirements 


Technical requirements for completing Tellington TTouch Training Online Education classes include: 


  • Personal computer. 
  • Reliable Internet access. A wired Ethernet connection to the internet is very strongly suggested. 
  • Camera capable of recording up to 20 minutes of video.
  • While tablets, smartphones and other mobile devices may allow for some completion of coursework, they are not guaranteed to work in all areas. Please ensure you have a Windows or Mac based computer available to complete coursework in the event your selected mobile device does not meet the needs of the course. 


Required Textbook/Media 


  • “Getting in TTouch with Your Dog” by Linda Tellington-Jones
  • “Harnessing Your Dog’s Perfection” by Robyn Hood & Mandy Pretty
  • “All Wrapped Up: For Pets” by Robyn Hood & Mandy Pretty
  • Course Manual as provided in a PDF format. 


Course Structure 


This course is being offered over the World Wide Web as a Distance and Online Education offering. Students will login to the course site to access the course materials. For details of the course assignments and activities, see the “Course Work” section of this syllabus.  For those pursuing Practitioner Status this course is the starting point.  Completion of this course will go towards their overall requirements to become a certified Tellington TTouch Practitioner and is contingent on successful testing and completion of assignment requirements.


  Students who are partaking the course for their own interest are not required to complete the assignments and testing.   If they wish to undertake the quizzes and assignments they will receive a certificate upon satisfactory completion.


Students are expected to visit the course site weekly to: 

  • Access assigned course materials (posted on the “Course” page) such as pre-recorded lectures and journal articles. 
  • Check your email regularly for any updates related to the course “Announcements” 
  • Complete quizzes. 
  • Submit assignments to the course instructor. 
  • Participate in the “Discussion” forums via Zoom (these will be recorded for play back however we strongly encourage attendance at as many as possible)


Course Work 


Lectures & reading material: 

Students are expected to watch lecture videos and read any suggested articles.  

Online Quizzes (10): 

There will be six online quizzes covering material from the lectures, videos, and readings. Each quiz is consists of multiple choice and short answer questions. 

 Assignments (10): 

Students will submit  assignments.  Each assignment will be assessed by the instructor or other accredited individual to assess your knowledge and understanding of the course material as satisfactory or not.   

Lessons/Units Assignments 
Unit 1 | Tellington TTouch: Attitude & Philosophy Module 1 Quiz  (multiple choice) Module 1 Assignment  (short essay/paragraph)
Module 2 | Training Your Eye: Observation & Awareness  Module 2 Quiz  Module 2 Application Assignment 
Module 3 | Basics of Bodywork: The TTouches  Module 3 Quiz  Module 3 Application Assignment 
Module 4 | Change the Posture: Change the Animal – Basic Leash work  Module 4 Quiz  Module 4 Application Assignment 
Module 5 | Confidence Course: The Playground for Higher Learning  Module 5 Quiz  Module 5 Application Assignment 
Module 6 | Tools for Change: When, How, Why to Use them Module 6 Quiz  Module 6 Application Assignment 


Testing for Practitioner Status:


    Upon completion of all Module testing requirements, individuals applying for Practitioner status must:


  • complete at least 2 of their 10 (total) case studies before they will receive their Certificate for this course


  • submit a 10 minute demonstration video of them introducing the work to a client and their animal