Two Points of Contact

A critical element to re-educating a dog and handler about walking on the leash is achieving and maintaining balance.  One of the most effective ways to do this is by leading a dog with Two Points of Contact.


Tellington TTouch has been using the concept of leading with Two Points of Contact since the early 1990s.  Today, many companies manufacture double ended leashes and harnesses with front and back hardware.


Leading a dog with Two Points of Contact provides the handler with influence over the dog’s feet and body which is not possible with a single point of contact.  The two points also divides the pressure and reduces the amount of strain and pull felt on the body.  This redistribution can be attributed for some of the reason it allows dogs to stay in better balance.


A leash with a light snap on either end is ideal for leading with two points of contact.  Placing one end on a ring at the chest and the other as far forward on the back as possible will give the handler the optimal position to re-balance and support a dog who tends to pull on the leash.


With Two Points of Contact the handler can use each end independently so that they can help to shift the dog’s weight up and back towards the hind quarters without tightening the dog through the neck, back and shoulders.


Unlike only one point of contact, control or influence is not dependent on pulling back or turning the dog towards you.  With a chest and back attachment, the handler can help contain the dog’s movement without sacrificing balance or putting the dog into an awkward, potentially detrimental long term, posture.

Today we are lucky enough to have new tools and pieces of equipment to allow dogs and handlers to utilize this concept, in an easy, hassle-free way.