Tellington TTouch Dog Practitioner Certification

TTouch working with dogs and clients

Becoming a certified Practitioner requires a certain amount of self-discipline, interest in learning and a commitment to practice.

Credits can be earned through online Tellington TTouch Academy courses and/or through attendance at in-person sessions taught by an approved Instructor or Senior Practitioner.   In some cases ongoing learning with other levels of Practitioners can be considered towards credits ( at the office’s discretion).

Students do NOT have to officially declare their intention to become certified.   Many students start out for their own learning and decide that they want to become Practitioners as they are inspired on the learning journey.  The office keeps track of your course credits so you can decide to work towards certification retroactively.

Once a student has earned at least 60 credits and completed course assignments, including the 5, approved, detailed Case Studies (and 15 checklists); they are eligible for the evaluation process.  These Case Studies and Checklists should be a sample of the dogs you have worked with, not the total. To become truly skilled, you need to work with many different animals.

Some students will be ready for testing at this time, others may want to continue to study before testing.

Once an application has been submitted, for testing and paying the required fee, the student will schedule testing with an instructor.

 Testing may be in-person, online, with video or a combination of these and will include a written test as well as an assessment of practical skills and applications.

Completing 60 credits does not guarantee that you will be ready for evaluation.  We recognize that a satisfactory skill level also requires considerable out of class practice and application.  Practice outside of the coursework is necessary to successfully complete the certification evaluation.

Students must have a basic knowledge of handling dogs in a safe, ethical and confident manner.

TTouch BOdy wraps

Telligton TTouch Online Academy

Any course that includes live, interactive Zoom sessions is part of the Tellington TTouch Academy. These courses are eligible for Practitioner credits.

To qualify for credits, students need to complete the Academy’s course, “Tellington TTouch for Dogs: Immersion Course” (formerly Level 1 & Level 2), at least once—unless they’ve attended multiple in-person workshops. This course integrates all online course materials and comprises 30 hours of interactive Zoom session classes.Apart from this central class, which some students might attend multiple times, credits can be acquired through various Elective courses on specific “Applied TTouch” topics or and Intro course.

Students can count one horse or TTouch-for-You class towards their Dog Practitioner certification credits.

Video Assignments

Submitting videos clips of your work with dogs is an integral part of the remote learning process. 

Video assignments are laid out in the “Immersion Course” material.

These skills can be done in a single session with a dog or over varying sessions.  Remember that the purpose of the assignment is to demonstrate  the scope of your skills and allow for constructive feedback from the instructor.

Students are asked to provide short (2 to 5 minute) videos of the following skills:

– Demonstrate a variety of TTouch techniques from the various “Families of TTouches”

– Demonstrate TTouch body work as you describe the pressure you are using and which of the “9 Elements” you are considering.
– Demonstrate using the “Balance Leash” & “Balance Leash Plus”

– Demonstrate how to safely apply a “Half” & “Quarter Wrap” TTouch Body Wrap

– Demonstrate leading a dog with the Harmony Leash & Handle as well as the TTouch Connector

– Create and then explore the Playground for Higher learning with a dog on lead.

Those working towards certification should view these assignments as an opportunity for feedback and improvement rather than a “test”.  We are dedicated to help you learn and achieve as much success possible in this “hands-off” format.

Assignment Specifications:

– Each video clip should be no longer than 3 minutes in duration. If applicable, please also send me a critique of your video.  Are there things you felt were especially successful or parts you feel you could have done differently?

– Identify yourself, state the dog’s name, and the skill you are going to demonstrate with a verbal description or caption at the beginning of each video.

– Please submit one video at a time.

– Upload each video either to YouTube (as unlisted), Drop Box, or Google Docs. Send the link to view the video to me.  Please name the video with your name and the skill shown.

The TTouch philosophy is to always set the dog up to be successful and find ways to make any task easier for the dog, enhancing the learning experience.  How you adapt both your handling and the environment to the dog’s needs will be a part of the evaluation process.  You must be aware of behavioral and/or stress responses being offered by the dog with whom you demonstrate, make allowances for these responses, and demonstrate appropriate action should they occur.

– The videos can be with your own dog or a dog you work with in a training situation or shelter. If you are unable to find a suitable dog to work with, you can also demonstrate your skills using a stuffed animal for the Bodywork and Body Wrap videos.  Keep in mind the principles of safety and demonstration of respectful handling, being aware of the dog’s feedback and the possible need for a pause or break.

Assignment Criteria:

Your video assignments will be evaluated on the following criteria, and scored as acceptable/unacceptable.

– Demonstrates appropriate body position for safety while working with the dog. Being directly in front of a dog or being on the floor with a dog who is standing or sitting may not be safe.  The use of a stool or chair is acceptable.

– Demonstrates the appropriate body position at the side of the dog if possible while working, applying a wrap or any equipment, and avoids leaning over or standing directly over the dog.

– Employs the use of appropriate containment, allowing the dog to move as needed during TTouch bodywork, applying a wrap or equipment. Avoids the use of obedience commands or restraint such as a consistently tight leash, stepping on the leash, or holding tightly to the collar which would restrict the dog’s choice.

– Demonstrates mindfulness and is present with the dog in order to respond to the dog’s communication. Proceeds appropriately based on that feedback. 

Case Studies: Showcase Your Skills

Certification requirements include submitting at least 5, detailed case studies that follow the progress of dogs you are working with.  These must be approved by an Instructor to be allowed for submission.

Students who are primarily using online credits must provide video segments/demonstration in at least 5 of the case studies (as a way to demonstrate your skill).

A detailed outline of Case Study requirements, examples and expectations can be found here.

In addition to detail Cast Studies, students must submit 15 work checklists for dogs not used in above case studies.  These checklists provide Instructors with a simple overview of your working style and skill.

It is important to note that these submitted cases should be a sample of the animals you can worked with, not the total.

Credit Requirements”

Upon completion of 60 credits, and successful assignment and case study submissions, you are permitted to be evaluated.

Many students will prefer to attend additional Academy courses, attend an in-person training or enlist the support of a mentor prior to evaluation.

The nature of the Tellington TTouch Method is that learning is somewhat “spiral” or “layered”. The more you learn, the more you refine and add to existing skills and knowledge. For this reason taking any Academy course more than once will NOT feel redundant.

Eligible Credits:

Certification credits can be attained through Tellington TTouch Online Academy courses AND/OR by attending in-person workshops taught by an approved teachers.  In-person workshops count as 2 credits per day of instruction.

In some cases, one on one work with an approved Practitioner or Instructor can also count towards certification credits, at the discretion of the office.

Credits are tracked by the office database.  User accounts on this site are not always accurate due to the combination of learning options.  Any questions should be directed to Mandy at [email protected].


Evaluation Process – Demonstrate Your Skills


– Earn at least 60 credits of course hours (can include in person training which is 2 credits per day)

– Feel confident with your understanding of the Core Curriculum & Criteria

– Complete 5 detailed case studies (must be approved by an instructor and 15 checklists)

– Register for Certification Evaluation

– Score 80% or more on a written test

– Demonstrate an excellent understanding of Tellington TTouch Philosophy

– Demonstrate proficiency in practical skills (TTouches, Body Wraps, Leash work) with video submission.

– Demonstrate competency in a 30 to 60 minute long Client Session video submission.

Certification is contingent on the evaluation of the coursework, videos, case study submissions and overall skill level.​


 Students will pay for each session prior to participating in the session, unless a payment plan has been approved.  In order to become certified as Practitioner or Practitioner 1, all sessions attended must be fully paid.  

Students in North America: While registration for online courses is centralized, Canadians and Americans will register in their country of residence regardless of where they are attending the in-person training.  

When a student believes they are ready to be tested for certification, they will inform their national office, pay the testing fee, and schedule their test. 


After completing 24 credits, students in the certification track are eligible to request and be assigned a mentor. 

Assignments will be made on the basis of personal student needs, time availability of mentors, and in some cases, geographic proximity of student and mentor. It is our aim to match the interests of the students with the skills of the mentors as best we can. In this process, if a student has a specific mentor preference, we will make every effort to honor that.

Safety Guidelines

Tellington TTouch students and Practitioners must adhere to safe handling techniques to assure the safety of their clients, their client’s animals, and themselves.  This includes the following:


– The ability to assess canine communication and stress signals and respond appropriately.

– Awareness of personal space and how to position yourself safely while working with a dog.

– Utilizing the concept of “giving choice,” to reduce the likelihood of a dog feeling threatened or trapped.  This includes allowing a dog to retreat, or moving a dog away from a threatening situation.  

 – Intervening as needed if you observe a client putting the animal or yourself in an unsafe situation.  

– Never employing the use of aversive training techniques or tools.

– The ability to recognize when it is not safe to touch or work with a particular animal.

– Keeping safe space between multiple dogs in a class or workshop situation.

Tellington TTouch Certification Levels

Tellington TTouch Practitioner 

Qualification Criteria:

– Successful completion of required coursework for a total of 60 credits.  

– Submission of 5 approved case studies.

– Achievement of passing score on written and practical skills assessment.


Permitted Practice: 

 – Certified to work with individuals.

 – May give short (one hour) lectures or demonstrations to groups.

Tellington TTouch Practitioner 1

Practitioners are eligible to be tested for Practitioner 1 after earning an additional 12 credits of specific coursework related to teaching Tellington TTouch workshops.  This curriculum will also prepare the Practitioner for the Practitioner 1 test.  Some Practitioners will be ready for testing at this time, others may want to continue to study before testing. 

Upon submitting an application for testing and paying the required fee, the Practitioner will schedule testing with an instructor.  Testing may be in-person, online, with video or a combination of these and will include a written test as well as an assessment of skills required for teaching workshops.


Qualification Criteria:

– Successful completion of required coursework for a total of 72 credits.  

– Completion of a class presentation to demonstrate teaching skills observed by an instructor

– Submission and approval of a plan for conducting a one day workshop.

– Achievement of passing score on written and practical skills assessment.


Permitted Practice: 

 – Certified to work with individual clients.

 – Give lectures/demonstrations or weekly classes.

 – Teach one day hands-on workshops to groups.  


Tellington TTouch Practitioner 2 

Qualification Criteria:

– Have been listed in the Guild as a Practitioner 1 for at least one year immediately prior to upgrading 

– Have taught at least 10 one-day or 20 half-day/evening hands-on workshops (or the equivalent) and turned in feedback forms from participants and organizers from at least five of the workshops. 

– Submitted, for discussion with an instructor, an outline of the agenda for a hypothetical two-day hands-on workshop. 


Permitted Practice: 

 – Certified to work with individual clients.

 – Give lectures/demonstrations or weekly classes.

 – Teach one or two day hands-on workshops to groups.  


Tellington TTouch Senior Practitioner  (P3)

Qualification Criteria:

– Been an active TTouch Practitioner for at least 8 years immediately prior to upgrading. 

– Taught a minimum of 30 workshops (or equivalent)

– Assisted at a minimum of 10 trainings.

– Guild member for a minimum of 4 years before application and remain a Guild member

– Demonstrates exceptional teaching and interpersonal skills

– Submitted feedback forms from 5 workshops taught in the past three years prior to upgrading.

– Demonstrates excellent handling and technical skills with a wide variety of dogs.


Permitted Practice: 

– Qualified to function as senior assistants at trainings. 

– Develop and teach webinars for the TTouch Online Learning Program.

– Teach workshops (up to 3 days) to provide TTouch CEU credits according to curriculum guidelines.


Tellington TTouch Instructor:

Instructors are selected based on experience, technical and practical skills, teaching ability, and other contributions to (and needs of) the organization.  

Benefits of Practitioner Certification

The process of becoming a Certified Tellington TTouch Practitioner for Dogs has many benefits, besides the tremendous personal learning potential.

Tellington TTouch Practitioners are certified to:

  • Teach the method and its exercises to individual clients and their animals
  • Use the official Tellington TTouch Logo and branding in a professional capacity
  • Eligible to join the Professional Guild which allows for discounts, insider access, invitations to weekly educational webinars, annual membership to the TTouch Community
  • Access to private Practitioner Facebook page



The Tellington TTouch Practitioner Guild is a professional membership organization with the mission of promoting the Tellington TTouch Method.

Being a Guild member entitles you to:

  • – A discount on TTouch equipment purchases (for current Certified Practitioners only).
  • – Subscription to the Tellington TTouch Community FaceBook group.
  • – Listing in the Practitioner Directory of the Tellington TTouch Guild Site and the TTouch USA and TTouch Canada sites. Listing includes an individual Profile Page for each Guild Member to enter business information, services, contact data and photographs.
  • – Assist at trainings which can count toward keeping your certification current.
  • – Updated teaching resources and access to the members only section of the Guild website.
  • – Referrals through the TTouch offices.

Current Practitioners and Instructors will be listed with the TTouch Guild provided they maintain their status (see section below in Maintaining Practitioner Status) and pay the appropriate Guild Membership fee.

With prior approval, Certified Practitioners who are Guild Members may assist at training sessions. If the Practitioner’s intent is to upgrade or maintain status, the Practitioner must be present and attentive at the sessions. This will preclude organizers unless all duties have been delegated.

Guild membership for all levels of Tellington TTouch Practitioners depends on maintaining status and paying the annual fees. Robyn Hood sends out Guild renewal forms each year, by e-mail and/or postal mail, to all Practitioners. This information includes the prices for all the levels of membership and the directions for how to renew.


Tellington TTouch Training uses a system of Continuing Education Units (CEUs) to maintain/re-establish Practitioner status or provide means of additional study.

Practitioners of all levels will be required to accumulate 12 CEUs within the previous two years.

CEUs will be awarded for the following:

  • – Attending or assisting at a five- or six- day in-person training or Level 1 or 2 online courses – 12                                                    
  • – Advanced Training/CELLebration – TBD                       
  • – Online Practitioner Update – 12                                      
  • – 2-day workshops with approved practitioner – 3           
  • – 1-day workshops with approved practitioner – 1.5 
  • – TTouch approved webinar  – .75

Practitioners teaching courses, modules or webinars will be assigned appropriate CEUs.


All levels of practitioners who fail to update will not be authorized to use the logo or present themselves as Practitioners.

Depending upon the length of time they have been away from the TTouch work, the CEU requirements may vary in order to re-establish the original Practitioner level. For example, a Practitioner 2 outdated for two years may regain their status after accumulating 12 CEUs, whereas a Practitioner 2 outdated for 5 years may need 24 CEUs to regain the Practitioner 2 status, but will be recognized as Practitioner 1 after 12 CEUs.

After two years of being outdated, 12 of the required CEUs must be accumulated at a Practitioner Training Session. In-person trainings may be attended at half the cost of the session. 

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