Discover all of the advantages of Tellington TTouch Body Wraps. These quality ACE type elastic bandages are available in two lengths and three different widths 1, 2, 3 and 4 inches wide, with or without Velcro – dyed various colours .
These bandages are high quality, cotton elastic and preserve their stretch better than any we have used. Use on horses, dogs, people, and everything in between, to help improve balance, proprioception, awareness and confidence.
Learn more about TTouch Body Wraps
Lengths are as follows: Please note this is the un-stretched length as we do not suggest ever using the bandages while at their maximum extension.
1″ with Velcro ( ideal for toy sized breeds and head/face wraps): $8
2″ with Velcro: Regular length (52inches ) $8 Long Length ( 82 inches ) $10
3″ with Velcro ( 62 inches) – $10
4 ” without Velcro regular (64 inches) – $12
4″ with Velcro long (approx. 15 feet long) – $19
- Actual colours will vary due to the nature of the dyes and different bandage fabrics and consistencies.
Click here for an introduction to Tellington TTouch Bodywraps for Horses & Dogs.
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