Sandy Rakowitz specializes in creating empowering, transforming experiences for people with their animals. She is the Founder of One Heart Healing Center and One Heart University – Holistic and Spiritual Education, Healing, Training & Coaching for people and animals.
Growing up she found a wild, magic freedom with horses discovering an unspoken, intuitive language of trust, safety and rapport. This opened into a connection of Oneness.
Now she is dedicated to helping others tap into their own gifts of connection, communication and healing with animals and nature to live with compassion, kindness and connection.
Sandy has had extensive in-depth training with a professional private practice since 1989 in a broad range of modalities. She’s a practitioner in Tellington TTouch, Centered Riding, Brennan Healing Science with “Hands of Light’ Energy Healing (a 4 year professional training graduate and former faculty); Animal Communication, Akashic Records Consultant and Essential Oils.