Robyn Hood is an innovative teacher with an eye for subtle detail and and mind open to exploring new possibilities. Enhance the way you understand and interact with your animal with a one on one, 60 minute Zoom session with Robyn.
Senior Instructor of the Tellington TTouch® Method, former Editor of Staying in TTouch Newsletter and Linda’s youngest sister, Robyn has been riding horses since before she could walk. She went through Pony Club and showed as a junior competitor in Alberta. She later attended and then instructed at the Pacific Coast School of Horsemanship in California owned by her sister Linda Tellington-Jones. Robyn competed successfully in hunter, jumper, three-day eventing, endurance, western events and more recently in gaited horses.
In 1982 Robyn became involved full-time with the Tellington Method that was developed by her sister Linda. She has been the editor of the monthly Newsletter for more than 30 years. Since 1986 she has been teaching Tellington TTouch Method on a full-time basis in Canada, the US, Europe, South Africa and Australia and spends about 160 days a year traveling. Robyn has given demonstrations and lectures at various venues including Spruce Meadows; Equitana USA and Germany; Western College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Saskatchewan; International Humane Society Conference in Vienna and Murdoch University in Perth.
- Prices in US Dollars