There are a myriad of ways to address on leash issues. The Tellington TTouch Method looks to help the root of many on leash issues, balance! Beginning with changing your impression of “why” dogs pull or lag can greatly change how you approach the (human-viewed) problem.
This is a comprehensive course that covers the TTouch approach to leash issues. Senior Instructor, Robyn Hood, designed this course to address one of THE most common concerns of dog guardians around the world – how to walk on leash without pulling, jerking or dragging!
With over 280 minutes of informative teaching video, “Walking in Balance” with provide you will a wide range of tools, exercises and ideas to help you, and any dog you work with, find harmony on and off leash.
This self-paced course is designed to help:
➡ Teach your dog to walk with ease on a leash
➡ Improve your relationship with your dog
➡ Learn handler postural exercises that will immediately change how your dog responds
➡ Offer new experiences to you and your dog to change habits on a deep level
➡ Overcome harness sensitivity
➡ Trainers add new tools for positively coaching struggling clients
This course is a great compliment to any positive training regime and aims to help dogs find their physical balance so they feel more self-confident and can make better choices.